Since the launch of Write from Source© (and Gaia’s Light), I have met so many people who have experienced trauma in their lives. Indeed, I’ve come to realise how prevalent it is whether it’s Trauma with a capital T or trauma with a small t. My early ideas of Gaia’s Light were primarily around offering Read More
Category: Trauma
Is happiness a choice?
The way you react is your choice … or is it? As a spiritual and healing practitioner, I have to confess it jars me when I notice the clichés many ‘new’ New Age practitioners serve up on social media. I trust they are coming from a well-intentioned place, and I believe that they believe in Read More
Defining Trauma
It seems people talk about ‘Trauma’ or being ‘traumatised’ in such a ‘carefree’ manner these days. I have even seen various articles referring to Trauma with a capital T and ‘trauma’ with a little ‘t’ though it can be a bit ambiguous as to who decides whether your trauma merits a capital ‘T’. When a Read More
The art of safe ‘expression’
Trauma lives in a place that can be very difficult to reach with normal words and language or description, and might only be accessed, initially at least, through the ‘symptoms’. At best trauma can manifest in indescribable anxiety, a sick feeling or a heavy, empty ache … either quite randomly or as the result of Read More
Feisty or stuck in survival mode?
What images does your mind conjure up when you hear the word ‘trauma’? Words can become ‘fashionable’ and in so doing, the real depth of meaning is often lost. Until a few years ago, the word ‘trauma‘ was for me a bit like the word ‘stress’. In my world, stress was bandied about with such frequency and was attributed Read More