Elevate your writing with scaffolding

In the spirit of Christmas, I thought what better gift could I give an aspiring writer or ‘would-be’ author than some free writing advice from a professional writer and author? I know getting professional help in the world of writing and publishing can be very expensive, and not everyone who has the desire to write Read More

The Tarot Journals

Whether you wish to write a meaningful message in your journal or convey the messages presented in Tarot, you already have all the tools you need in this very moment. Just trust in the information as it’s given… I began reading Tarot cards over 30 years ago. I hadn’t had any ‘training’ as such but Read More

Narrative Therapy Principles in Memoir Writing

When people embark on a Memoir writing course they sometimes come up against writer’s block. A block of any description is just another word for Fear. When we experience writer’s block it generally suggests we are not confident, or we are experiencing discomfort, in the telling of our truth.  What makes my sessions unique is, Read More

The Write Feeling

I had shared a few personal stories on a recent ‘Pearls of Wisdom’ Podcast with Psychic Medium, fellow Gemini and ‘soul mentor’ Peter Williams. We were discussing ‘The Healing Power of Writing’ and what that actually ‘means’. What does healing with writing look like?  I find Memoir is a fantastic ‘medium’ to write and heal Read More

One Story is Not the Whole Story

If you have ever taken part in a workshop or perhaps even training at work you will be familiar with ice breaker sessions where you have to stand up and introduce yourself to the rest of the participants. Love it or loathe it, I use this idea as an exercise to kick-start proceedings in my Read More