WFS Vision

Write from Source weaves together a lifetime of professional, personal & spiritual experiences to create a unique space for you to heal, grow & ultimately transform your life.

The information and unique courses and modules on this site, are all carefully designed to help you dissolve the fears, pains, and blocks that may be holding you back from living an abundant and creative life. They will also help you get to ‘the next level’ along your path – whether you wish to write to heal, write to publish or connect more deeply with Source.

“While I was mentoring people who wanted to write their memoir, I became aware that they were not ready to tell the world their truth. They wanted to tell a sanitized, safe version of events and often found it difficult to identify ‘other’ heroic stories – or their ‘unstoried’ stories. There were so many people who had an incredible story to share but they were paralyzed by the enormity of the blank page. It became clear that a level of ‘healing’ was required before those people felt safe and truly ready to share their message.

“Similarly in my spiritual practice, I began noticing my clients who came to me for Akashic readings and healing or Reiki, all had experienced some form of ‘wounding’ that was still being felt in their day-to-day life – people who were made to feel their voice did not count. These people were keeping themselves small and were unsure how to step into their power. They needed to know ‘What was the purpose of that suffering? What is the purpose of my life now?”

As part of my own journey, it has become clear that my Mission is to help others expand, shift and transcend their pain, their trauma, their fears, and blocks – so that they might finally see they are connected to something far greater and they can consciously create their own AMAZING life. We do not have to perpetuate pain and suffering or be limited by the things that happened to us. We can use our learnings and experiences to help others.

Evie McRae founder of  Write from Source

Our Vision is to help you

  • transmute suffering into wisdom.
  • transcend your emotional, physical and energetic pain.
  • dissolve patterns and blocks that have been holding you back
  • consciously create the life you were born to live whether you desire to become a writer, become a healer, become nature’s gardener, or animal advocate or quite simply to Overcome & Become YOU.  This is your time!