WFS Values

Write from Source is a  business dedicated to helping the collective heal, grow, and transform creatively and spiritually primarily through writing (and through other forms of creative connection/expression). As such, we felt important to outline the core values Write from Source lives day in and day out. These core values are a collection of our most important beliefs and ingrained principles that guide our actions.

  • Begin where you are right now: We all need to start somewhere – spiritually, emotionally, physically & creatively. Write from Source carefully crafts content and courses to meet you where you’re at.  We invite you to begin where you are right now. Every day we are beginning from a new perspective.
  • We are trauma-informed which means we do not judge your coping mechanisms: We are committed to building a sense of safety, acceptance and worth in your daily life. It’s now time to unlearn, rewind, re-wire and unfurl. We are here to help.
  • Compassion on the journey: This goes to the heart of what Write from Source believes. We endeavour to show compassion in all our interactions. Setbacks and challenging times are part of life. Self-love and compassion are crucial to building resilience and healing for all of us.
  • Honesty, integrity & respect: for all. Your journey. Your experiences. Your family. Our Animals & Our planet.
  • Open-minded, but discerning: We believe in exploring a range of ideas, concepts and belief systems out of natural curiosity. Not all ideas will resonate with you at this time, so please use discernment. Ask your Higher Self if these ideas are a fit for you. If they don’t feel right or are ‘too out there’ they are not meant for you at this time. We only ask that you be aware that there may be someone, somewhere who needed to read the words in an article at that particular time. We endeavour to create a safe, creative and healing space for everyone. When it comes to advice and courses created by Write from Source be aware due to the nature of our work, these have either been extensively researched and/or developed from a qualified perspective (depending on the subject matter) or in a spiritual context, they may have been channelled from SOURCE. The beauty of Write from Source is we see validity in this braided/intertwined approach (especially when it comes to healing from trauma).
  • Love the work: We love the work we do, we hope it shows and we hope you love the work you do.
  • Do things differently: We believe we are here to help humanity and the planet shift as it goes through a mass awakening. We are all here to help heal our collective fears, block and traumas. We do not have to perpetuate suffering – we can do things differently and raise the vibration.
  • Honour above profit: We endeavour to keep respect for the earth, our animals, the community, and the individual at the forefront of every interaction.
  • Honour above profit: We endeavour to keep respect for the earth, our animals, the community, and the individual at the forefront of every interaction.
  • Help others and do good things: This is our intent.