Book Therapy

The love of writing probably started at the same time as my love of reading. I learned to read before starting school and my young life was filled with positive experiences around the joys of words. I was one of those children who was sent around the primary school classes (paired up with a boy called Walker Yule as I recall). We were held up as examples of ‘good readers’. Growing up in Scotland though, that came with its fair sharing of classroom ‘banter’. At that age it didn’t matter to be teased about a love of books. Books were a world I could escape to. Books enabled tears I could not otherwise cry and laughter, adventure and freedom that were a scarcity.

What does that even mean? Ultimately all it really means is, I love books and realised that I turned to certain books to find solace, adventure, inspiration or healing. That personal discovery grew into a passion. I wanted to write my own books and help others write their stories of transformation and adventure. It’s one of the reasons I became a mentor to aspiring writers. The day I discovered I could actually study and ‘prescribe’ literature as a means of helping other heal was another stepping stone laid upon the journey I’m sharing with you now.

Evie McRae Pindsle Master Bibliotherapist: Literature fro Mental Health